Privacy Policy

Welcome to Here at Doujindesu, we are steadfastly dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and upholding the security of your data. Our paramount objective is to explain how we gather, employ, and defend your information when you engage and connect with our Website. By availing yourself of Doujindesu, you consent to the stipulations exposit within this comprehensive policy.

Information We Collect

When you decide to create an account or engage with our Website, we can acquire specific personal details from you. These details may encompass your esteemed name, email address, shipping address, and highly sensitive payment particulars. However, we strive to provide ample peace of mind by assuring you that we do not engage in storing any delicate payment details. Instead, we have thoughtfully implemented a solid security system.

We have adeptly integrated cookies and similar technologies to maximize your online expedition on our esteemed Website. These cutting-edge marvels are designed to increase the strength and enrich your overall browsing experience. In doing so, these groundbreaking technologies work harmonious to amass insightful non-personal data. This assortment of raw statistics comprises noteworthy information such as your revered IP address, special browser type, remarking pages, and quick browsing preferences and aptitude. Cookies also assist us in analyzing trends, administering the site, and improving user navigation.

Third-Party links

We kindly request your attention while navigating through our content, as it is essential to acknowledge that we do not possess the ability to govern or assume liability for redirecting links to external websites. 

Furthermore, we need more authority to oversee these websites’ handling of personal data, rendering it impossible for us to ensure their compliance with privacy regulations.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

During your exploration of our content, remember that we cannot govern or assume liability for the hyperlinks directing you to external websites. We earnestly desire to ensure that you fully comprehend this particularity, as we cannot guarantee the nature or utilization of these third-party websites or control their use of personal information.

Providing information is up to you

At Doujindesu, we firmly believe in respecting your privacy choices. We assure you that sharing your personal information is entirely optional. The ultimate choice lies solely within your grasp; we bear no burden of convincing you. It is perfectly legal for you to withhold your valuable insights. Yet, do heed the realization that select offerings may only remain within reach with a glimpse into your inner depths.

Privacy Protection Measures

At Doujindesu, user safety is our top priority. To safeguard your privacy, we utilize cutting-edge technologies. Our current approach uses Google Analytics to monitor website visitors and detect potential information leaks.

Google Analytics uses various cookies to provide this service. You can find it here for details on Google’s data collection policy. General instructions can be found here to clear caches on your device.

Your Security is Guaranteed

Customer satisfaction is paramount to us, and we go the extra mile to ensure the security of your data. While our policies are designed to safeguard your information, we do require some data to maintain customers’ records and deliver the best services.

To further enhance security, please adhere to some basic rules that will minimize potential issues in the future.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Privacy Rights

  • As a consumer, you hold the privilege of acquiring revelations from enterprises engaged in compiling personal data, encompassing details concerning the categories and distinct types of personal information under scrutiny. It is well within your range to demand that any establishment clearly uproot all personal data they have procured about your personage. 
  • Allow us to assure you that once you beseech the activation of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), our esteemed personnel shall swiftly furnish you with an elaborative rejoinder within a span of a solitary lunar revolution. 
  • Should you require any form of guidance of these inviolable rights, our dedicated team remains at your disposal, prepared to alleviate and reinforce your noble undertaking.

GDPR Data Protection Rights

In certain instances, the possibility exists to make a formal petition to transmit your data to an alternate entity or directly to your personage. Should you be inclined to exercise any of the aforementioned data protection rights stipulated within the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are at your disposal to provide intense support and guidance at every step.

  • As a user, you maintain the inherent entitlement to demand the acquisition of duplications encompassing our private data reservoir.
  • If alleged inaccuracies exist within our information about you, your prerogative is to issue our establishment a request for correction. 
  • Additionally, you can request the addition of incomplete data fragments that might reside within our records.
  • Predicated on various contextual factors, the possibility arises for you to assert your claim for the expunction of any personal information which appertains to your persona.
  • Under certain situations, you may request the restriction of processing your data.
  • You can object to how we process your personal information in specific circumstances.
  • In certain instances, you can formally appeal to transmit your data to another entity or directly to yourself. 
  • Should you desire to avail yourself of any of these rights granted by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) concerning data security and privacy, we are readily available to offer our intense support and guidance to ensure a smooth and seamless experience throughout the entirety of the undertaking.

Contact Us

If you possess any inquiries, remarks, or apprehensions regarding this particular Privacy Policy or our methods of managing data, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for trusting with your personal information. Ensuring the utmost importance of safeguarding your privacy remains our core principle as we endeavor to enrich your digital journey with unparalleled excellence.

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